An Important Letter from Dr. Vincent M. Osteria

Dr. Osteria


We (Towson Orthopaedic Associates) are closing our Havre de Grace office at the end of June 2017. I will retire at that time. I wish to thank all of you for your loyalty.

My partners in Bel Air at Plumtree or in Towson will be able to serve any orthopedic needs you may have.  I can highly recommend each and every one of them.

They will NOT treat chronic pain or prescribe chronic pain medication. For this group of patients (if you cannot obtain treatment from your own Physician or on your own), I recommend Dr. Rehan A. Khan, who specializes in physical medicine and pain management. He has offices in Towson, Bel Air and Havre de Grace.

The contact number in Havre de Grace is 443-502-5311, and the address is 504 Lewis Street.

Again, I would like to thank all of you for your loyalty over these many years.


Vincent M. Osteria, M.D.

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